Monday, January 1, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Lights


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week we are with the Gods of DC and the word prompt is “cream”.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Demeter shook her head a little. “Sis, you didn’t make a mistake. You have held your

principles for millennia. And for all you know, there is someone out there waiting for


Hestia’s smile was sad as she nodded. “Maybe you are right. You should probably go out with the rest of the family and learn to ride one of those death machines. I’m going to go play with the babies. I think, between the two of us, I’m going to have more fun.”

“I don’t doubt that one bit.” Demeter crossed the room to give her sibling a quick hug before she hurried through the corridors of the gothic mansion to the front door.

As she stepped outside, she was greeted by clouds of dust rising to the sky. She could make out at least a dozen red lights through the plumes. There was the sound of squealing tires followed by the sound of metal hitting the ground. 

She huffed. This wasn’t going well.

She stifled a laugh as Hades stormed through the dust towards her. It didn’t matter how long he wore that get-up. He still looked ridiculous. 

“Let me guess,” Demeter addressed. “Ares just crashed.”

“You missed your husband dropping the first bike.”

Panic instinctively flooded through Demeter. Before her heart slammed in her chest, Hades raised a hand to stop her. “He’s fine. He’s a demigod, Dee. He has a scratch or two. We did have to summon Hephaestus to help us fix the wreckage. He’s sticking around to play mechanic.” The god of death gestured back to the revving engines. “I suspect he may have had something to do with Ares hitting the ground. You know how those two feel about each other.”

Demeter shrugged. “Well, maybe Ares shouldn’t sleep with other men’s wives.”

“That’s old news, Dee. Ares has been with Juliet for how long now? They have two kids.”

“That doesn’t mean Heph has let it go yet.”

“True. Very true.”


  1. Excellent scene. Love the way you pop in those tidbits about the various gods and their relationships.

  2. This story is so engaging. It keeps us spellbound. Heph has a long memory lol.

  3. Love it. Some history there then with the two men. should make for some more fireworks!

  4. Demeter shrugged. “Well, maybe Ares shouldn’t sleep with other men’s wives.”
    I loved this line! Great scene!
