Sunday, July 23, 2023

Tuesday Tales - Anxious

Welcome to the new home of my blog! I wasn't very pleased with the way my website blog worked so I will be posting my Tuesday Tales and any other random thoughts that I have here.

This week we are with the Gods of DC and the word prompt is "anxious". Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

The cavern was even more unsettling when it was illuminated with the crimson bulbs screwed into the rock walls. Michael stormed past the bikes and their owners, his gaze and strides laser focused on the doorway leading to the cells.

He glanced briefly at a lamp as he passed. Maybe the rest of the gang felt a little more at home surrounded by so much red. Heaven knows he wasn’t. He never made it that far. 

No, he was cursed to remain on this fucking planet for eternity. 

A blood-curdling scream echoed off the stone, amplifying it and hurting his ears. It sounded like it came from a horror movie and made him even more anxious. He spun toward the noise, ready to stop it from ever happening again. The woman it came from stood naked in the corner, her head arched towards the ceiling as she forced her black, leathery wings into her back. Most women strutted around the place with not a stitch on their bodies. They only got dressed to go to work, typically at the strip club.

The irony wasn’t lost on Michael and the whole situation didn’t phase him. He didn’t find any of them beautiful. At least not as beautiful as she was. 

He sacrificed everything for her. He was thrown out of his home and disconnected from all that he knew because of her. 

As Michael was falling from grace, she was rising. A car accident took her life, sending her to paradise and away from him. He couldn’t fight the feeling that it was intentional. 

He let out a growl as a familiar face appeared between him and the door to the cells. “What do you want, Typhon?”

“Where are you going, big guy?” Typhon countered.

“To watch the prisoner like you ordered me to do. So why don’t you get out of my way so I can?”

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tuesday Tales - Finish


Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This week we're going back to the next book in the Gods of DC series. This week's word prompt is "finish".

Be sure to stop by the other Tuesday Tales excerpts! Click here to check them out!

“Yeah. Highly unlikely, old man.” Freddy kept his hand raised and ready as he nudged the door open. More than likely, Ares was far from finished. Demeter tucked herself close behind him. The twins squirmed between them. 

The god of war was slumped over his desk. Several empty liquor bottles littered the space around him and stained the several papers lying there. He gripped tight to a decanter of expensive brandy. There wasn’t a glass to be found. He was drinking straight from the bottle. 

Despite the volume of booze Ares had to have consumed, he looked far from drunk. 

He let go of the container long enough to swipe the back of his hand across his nose. “I didn’t stop them.”

“We’re going to find Artemis, Ares,” Freddy replied. 

Ares just sniffled in response. 

Demeter sat on the plush sofa then settled each child on either side of her. Although the desk was a disaster, the rest of the office was pretty much in its place. “What did they look like?” she queried. 

“They were dressed all in black leather and denim. Artemis actually blended in with them, which is crazy. She looked like she belonged with them, not us. One looked almost identical to Poseidon.” Ares scowled. “When was the last time you saw your brother?”

“When was the last time you saw Poseidon in denim or leather?” she countered. “If it’s not board shorts, he’s not interested.”

Ares huffed. “Good point.”

Freddy pondered their banter for a few moments. He tended the bar long enough. It was easy to imagine what the old man was saying. “Ares, are you saying she was taken by a biker gang?”

Ares snorted, then took a shot of brandy. “How many biker gangs disappear from thin air?”

“Let’s take one set at a time. Is that what we’re looking for?”

Ares sat in silence. Then he nodded. 

Demeter reached out a hand to keep her son from tumbling off the furniture. “How do we find her if she was taken by a bunch of bikers?”

“To find them, we become them,” Freddy answered.

A voice came from the hallway. Freddy never heard the footsteps behind him. “Great. When do we start?”

“Yeah. Highly unlikely, old man.” Freddy kept his hand raised and ready as he nudged the door open. More than likely, Ares was far from finished. Demeter tucked herself close behind him. The twins squirmed between them. 

The god of war was slumped over his desk. Several empty liquor bottles littered the space around him and stained the several papers lying there. He gripped tight to a decanter of expensive brandy. There wasn’t a glass to be found. He was drinking straight from the bottle. 

Despite the volume of booze Ares had to have consumed, he looked far from drunk. 

He let go of the container long enough to swipe the back of his hand across his nose. “I didn’t stop them.”

“We’re going to find Artemis, Ares,” Freddy replied. 

Ares just sniffled in response. 

Demeter sat on the plush sofa then settled each child on either side of her. Although the desk was a disaster, the rest of the office was pretty much in its place. “What did they look like?” she queried. 

“They were dressed all in black leather and denim. Artemis actually blended in with them, which is crazy. She looked like she belonged with them, not us. One looked almost identical to Poseidon.” Ares scowled. “When was the last time you saw your brother?”

“When was the last time you saw Poseidon in denim or leather?” she countered. “If it’s not board shorts, he’s not interested.”

Ares huffed. “Good point.”

Freddy pondered their banter for a few moments. He tended the bar long enough. It was easy to imagine what the old man was saying. “Ares, are you saying she was taken by a biker gang?”

Ares snorted, then took a shot of brandy. “How many biker gangs disappear from thin air?”

“Let’s take one set at a time. Is that what we’re looking for?”

Ares sat in silence. Then he nodded. 

Demeter reached out a hand to keep her son from tumbling off the furniture. “How do we find her if she was taken by a bunch of bikers?”

“To find them, we become them,” Freddy answered.

A voice came from the hallway. Freddy never heard the footsteps behind him. “Great. When do we start?”

Tuesday Tales - Black


Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This week we're going back to the next book in the Gods of DC series. This week's word prompt is "black".

Be sure to stop by the other Tuesday Tales excerpts! Click here to check them out!

Freddy spun around as Ares and Demeter rose. In the open doorway stood Apollo. His cheery, surfer boy demeanor was gone. There were circles beneath his hollow eyes and his blond hair was a shaggy mess. He stuffed his hands into his worn blue jeans. His white shirt clung to his sculpted chest. 

Behind him stood Khalil and Deirdre. The djinn was dressed almost exactly like his lover except for his long, black hair that was tied back in a leather cord. Deirdre was clothed in her typical black leather and denim. She tossed her auburn locks off her shoulder.

“Dang, ask and it shall be given,” Freddy motioned towards his half sister.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Deidre demanded as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

“I think he’s saying that you look like you’re part of a biker gang,” Demeter answered.

“Any chance you are in one?” Ares queried.

Deirdre chuckled. “No, of course not. I have tangled with one or two.”

“Tangled?” Freddy countered.

“Infiltrated. For shits and giggles.”

“And there you go.”

“Can you help us become one?” Demeter requested.

Deirdre shook her head. “I’m sorry but no. Members of a gang abide by a code built on loyalty. They would sacrifice their life before they betray the others. I don’t think your kind understands what loyalty is. Historically, you’re all really bad at it.”

“I’d like to think we.” Demeter motioned to everyone in the room. “Have improved greatly on that subject.”

Khalil looked at Deirdre. “She’s not wrong.”

Deirdre huffed in response. 

Apollo glanced over his shoulder at her. “Please, baby. Help me save my sister.”

Deirdre smiled at him. “Of course, my love. You know I would do anything for you and Khalil.” She turned her attention to Freddy. “Where do you want to start, bro?”

“Let’s start by growing our numbers. Who wants to call Poseidon, Hades and Athena?”