Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tueday Tales - Busy

Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “busy”. We are back with my new Sci-Fi story. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

The tall, tanky gentleman in a star emblazoned tuxedo and top hat took her by surprise. She was even more startled when he suggested that she help him as his assistant. 

She knew nothing about magic. She certainly wasn’t qualified for an acting job like this. She offered the position to all of her helpers. Of course, none of them volunteered to be her replacement. 

With a dejected sigh, she followed the magician to the stage to learn what she needed to do. 

One person she failed to notice yet in the library was Ezra. Maybe he only stopped by once in a while. She tried to push him from her thoughts. Instead, her brain turned him into a puzzle. Her imagination pictured his warm eyes and playful smile. What was his deal? Did he have a family to take care of him? Was there anything she could do for him? 

The applause from tying hands shook her from her thoughts. The magician standing beside her gave the crowd an exaggerated bow. He gave a slight snarl to Dani to do the same. 

Flustered, she squatted into a brief curtsey. The lights of the auditorium were powered back on as the children stood and made their way to their chaperones. Dani gave the magician a quick smile then hopped off the stage. Weaving through the children, she hurried from the room. 

The library was nearly as busy as the auditorium had been. Elise’s eyes widened as Dani slipped behind the circulation desk and picked up a stack of books.

“Thank goodness,” Elsie told her. “We’ve barely been able to keep our heads above water.”

“I’ll do anything not to be a magician’s assistant this afternoon,” Dani replied.

Elise winked at her. “I think that can be arranged. Kristy comes in at noon. She can help our entertainer keep the kids happy.”

“Hasn’t she been here longer than me?”

“I like you better.”


  1. Magician's assistant wouldn't be my cup of tea either. Interesting the way she can't get Ezra out of her head. Great scene.

  2. I'd love to be the magician's assistan, especially if he's cute! Still, I get her shyness. I love the bustle of the busy library and her being the favorite, even though she's new. Intriguing characters. I'm enjoying this story!
