Monday, March 25, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Silvery

Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “silvery”. Here is the next excerpt from A Biker's Guide to Saving a Goddess, Gods of DC Book 6. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Well, this was it. 

Freddy stared at the squat metal sided pole building in front of him. Each window glowed with a neon beer sign. The outside of the establishment was lined with motorcycles of every shape and size. He could hear the music and shout across the street where the family stood. 

He glanced beside him. His beautiful bride and the rest of the relatives straddled their own bikes in a line ready to park. Some of them, like him, figured out how to handle the machine between his legs. Others, primarily Poseidon, Apollo and Khalil, had to use their power to fake it. 

This was a bad idea. A really, really horrible plan. 

“So, should we go in?” Mack suggested. 

“Do you want to get beat up that bad?” Freddy countered. 

“I’m always up for a fight.” Ares kicked off the ground and drove into the lot. 

“Thanks for deciding for us, bro,” Athena shouted after him. 

The rest of the family followed him, finding a place to park their motorcycles near the back of an empty field. It might have been beneficial being so far from the bar. They could make a quick getaway when all hell broke loose. With Ares in the lead, that was bound to happen. 

Freddy took the rear with Demeter as they strode with purpose toward the structure. They were all ready to play the part of a tough biker gang from the moment their feet hit the ground. However, for a few brief moments, he was going to enjoy his wife.

He brushed her long, dark hair from her shoulder, noticing a silvery streak that wove through it. “You are beautiful, you know that. Right?”

He saw her grin even though her gaze was locked on the metal shack. At this point, they could clearly understand the lyrics to the blaring country song that was playing inside. “You noticed the gray hair, didn’t you?”

“What gray hair?”

“You’re funny. Your kids are doing that to me, you know that. Right?”

“My children are angels. Maybe your children are doing that to you.”

“Freddy, baby. They are the same kids.”

“Gray or no, you are an exquisite beauty.”

“You are such a smooth talker. If you like gray hair so much, maybe I should take my previous form on again. Remember her?”

“I fell in love with her. So yes, I do remember.”

“I still don’t understand why. But I’m not going to question it.”


  1. Liked the tender moment between spouses before what I'm sure will be a battle starts. Well done.

  2. aww. Sweet. Love how they interact and her silver hair being the subject of banter. Jillian

  3. I love how he loves her, even though she gives him a bit of guff. And Ares? Well, hell, he's something else. Not afraid and leader of the pack. A girl could swoon over him. Great story and characterizations.

  4. What a tender interaction between Freddy and Demeter, including the teasing.

  5. "...quick getaway when all hell broke loose. With Ares in the lead, that was bound to happen."
    Such a rabble rouser Ares is. Keeping all the action stirred up.
    Great scene.
