Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Icy

Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week we are with the next book in the Gods of DC series and the word prompt is “icy”.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Michael shook his head so hard he thought it would pop off. “Nope, nada, no can do. Find someone else.”

Typhon tilted his head as he glared at Michael. His words were icy enough to give the fallen angel chills. “I’m sorry. Did you tell me no? Do I need to remind you who was there for you when the big guy kicked you out of paradise?”

Michael gritted his teeth. “You do not.”

Typhon pointed back towards the prison. “Then get back in there. I have enough to deal with right now to deal with your endless whining.”

Michael bit his tongue before he said something he would regret. Yes, Typhon and his goons were legit demons from the depths of hell. But he was a scrawny twig with flushed skin like his minions. Michael was twice his size with double the muscle. If anyone was constantly whining, it was Typhon. 

“Beelzebub finally figured out about this dude you decided to work with?” Michael questioned. 

“We aren’t working for a ‘dude’. And no, he doesn’t know. If you have to know, my partner is dissatisfied with how long this is taking. She wanted results by now.”

“What was she hoping for?”

“I have no idea. She is extremely difficult to work with. No one is allowed in her presence. Whatever is aiming for, the goddess is the bait. So go watch the bait before she tries to escape again and we are all screwed. And be prepared to move her at a moment’s notice. I believe this woman can extend her charm to keep her excellency powerless anywhere within the cavern.”

Michael shook his head in disbelief. “How does one disarm a god?”

Typhon cocked his chin up and then nodded to the jail. “Stop stalling.”

“It’s an honest question. It can help me guard her if I know what is happening around here.”

Typhon huffed. Then he spoke. “This chick is Greek. Old Greek. She is wielding the same type of power as Artemis. They may not have the same abilities, but the source is the same. Olympus.”

Michael made a vain attempt to stifle his shock. Whoever the demons were working with, they were Ancient Greek. They could be a god or goddess of the Pantheon, just like Artemis. “Fine. Good to know.”

He spun on his heel and stormed past the half-naked, screeching women entertaining the leather-clad men around them. 

Suddenly his answer to Artemis’s question was clear as crystal. Would he protect her? Yes, he would. He would defend her with his entire existence.


  1. I am learning so much about the Greek Gods from your story. I love that the little demons have cowed Michael and I'm glad he's going to protect Artemis, but I'm afraid things are only going to get worse for her. Great story!

  2. Got a big kick out of Typhon's description- scrawny twig with flushed skin. This story is getting even more interesting. Can't' wait to see who is behind this.

  3. I truly admire the way you flesh out these stories of modern-day Greek gods, mixed with angels, demons, and other fantasy creatures. Excellent scene.

  4. Well done on using the prompt. I am loving the description of Typhon. LOL! Perfect
