Monday, November 13, 2023

Tuesday Tales - Narrow


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week we are with the Gods of DC and the word prompt is “narrow”.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

“It will just be a little while, Hestia,” Demeter protested.

The goddess of hearth and home dismissed her little sister with a wave of her hand. Her wide, full skirt brushed against the narrow path between the stacks of books on the floor. For having a literal mansion in the middle of nowhere, there seemed to be little room to live in. Packrat.

“I didn’t relocate here so that I could entertain company, especially family. Zeus is fortunate that I didn’t just go back to Olympus so I could be left alone.”

“You know that Pan and his nymphs use Olympus for their own personal playground. Do you really want to be exposed to that type of debauchery?”

Demeter barely made out what Hestia said. It was very Greek and the curse was very unladylike for a Vestal Virgin. “Again, I decline your offer. You and your adorable children are welcome to stay. I miss you, mi amor. But the entire brood? They took over my house not that long ago and I’d like to put a few thousand years between then and the next time I see them.”

Demeter scowled. “Not even for Artemis?”

“What does any of this have to do with Artemis?”

“She’s gone, Hestia. Someone took her.”

That got Big Sis’s attention. Hestia spun around, knocking a pile of potential reading on the floor. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“We don’t know who they are. Ares said they looked like a motorcycle gang, so we need a place to practice riding. We won’t be long. And it’s everyone that you like.”

“Is Posideon coming?”

“Okay, nearly everyone. This is your niece. My niece. We have to do something.”

Hestia bit her lower lip as if she was thinking. “If I agreed, and that is a big if, when would the hoodlums arrive?”

A voice boomed from another room. “Anyone here?”

Demeter rolled her eyes. Leave it to Poseidon to make a loud, obnoxious entrance. “About now. They’ll be here now.”


  1. Great post. Somehow I would've expected Hestia to be a tidy housekeeper, not a packrat. Way to surprise me.

  2. So Hestia and Poseidon don't get along-- interesting! Love these kiddos.

  3. "... and I’d like to put a few thousand years between then and the next time I see them.”
    Haha! I LOVE that line! Perfect! Great scene.

  4. hahah. Love that ending. Asking when they'd be there and then being greeted by the loud one! LOL!

  5. I love the ending, too! Surprise and a chuckle at the same time. Yeah, putting up with someone else's kids/family can be difficult. Great job!
