Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tuesday Tales - Finish


Hi Everyone! Welcome back to Tuesday Tales! This week we're going back to the next book in the Gods of DC series. This week's word prompt is "finish".

Be sure to stop by the other Tuesday Tales excerpts! Click here to check them out!

“Yeah. Highly unlikely, old man.” Freddy kept his hand raised and ready as he nudged the door open. More than likely, Ares was far from finished. Demeter tucked herself close behind him. The twins squirmed between them. 

The god of war was slumped over his desk. Several empty liquor bottles littered the space around him and stained the several papers lying there. He gripped tight to a decanter of expensive brandy. There wasn’t a glass to be found. He was drinking straight from the bottle. 

Despite the volume of booze Ares had to have consumed, he looked far from drunk. 

He let go of the container long enough to swipe the back of his hand across his nose. “I didn’t stop them.”

“We’re going to find Artemis, Ares,” Freddy replied. 

Ares just sniffled in response. 

Demeter sat on the plush sofa then settled each child on either side of her. Although the desk was a disaster, the rest of the office was pretty much in its place. “What did they look like?” she queried. 

“They were dressed all in black leather and denim. Artemis actually blended in with them, which is crazy. She looked like she belonged with them, not us. One looked almost identical to Poseidon.” Ares scowled. “When was the last time you saw your brother?”

“When was the last time you saw Poseidon in denim or leather?” she countered. “If it’s not board shorts, he’s not interested.”

Ares huffed. “Good point.”

Freddy pondered their banter for a few moments. He tended the bar long enough. It was easy to imagine what the old man was saying. “Ares, are you saying she was taken by a biker gang?”

Ares snorted, then took a shot of brandy. “How many biker gangs disappear from thin air?”

“Let’s take one set at a time. Is that what we’re looking for?”

Ares sat in silence. Then he nodded. 

Demeter reached out a hand to keep her son from tumbling off the furniture. “How do we find her if she was taken by a bunch of bikers?”

“To find them, we become them,” Freddy answered.

A voice came from the hallway. Freddy never heard the footsteps behind him. “Great. When do we start?”

“Yeah. Highly unlikely, old man.” Freddy kept his hand raised and ready as he nudged the door open. More than likely, Ares was far from finished. Demeter tucked herself close behind him. The twins squirmed between them. 

The god of war was slumped over his desk. Several empty liquor bottles littered the space around him and stained the several papers lying there. He gripped tight to a decanter of expensive brandy. There wasn’t a glass to be found. He was drinking straight from the bottle. 

Despite the volume of booze Ares had to have consumed, he looked far from drunk. 

He let go of the container long enough to swipe the back of his hand across his nose. “I didn’t stop them.”

“We’re going to find Artemis, Ares,” Freddy replied. 

Ares just sniffled in response. 

Demeter sat on the plush sofa then settled each child on either side of her. Although the desk was a disaster, the rest of the office was pretty much in its place. “What did they look like?” she queried. 

“They were dressed all in black leather and denim. Artemis actually blended in with them, which is crazy. She looked like she belonged with them, not us. One looked almost identical to Poseidon.” Ares scowled. “When was the last time you saw your brother?”

“When was the last time you saw Poseidon in denim or leather?” she countered. “If it’s not board shorts, he’s not interested.”

Ares huffed. “Good point.”

Freddy pondered their banter for a few moments. He tended the bar long enough. It was easy to imagine what the old man was saying. “Ares, are you saying she was taken by a biker gang?”

Ares snorted, then took a shot of brandy. “How many biker gangs disappear from thin air?”

“Let’s take one set at a time. Is that what we’re looking for?”

Ares sat in silence. Then he nodded. 

Demeter reached out a hand to keep her son from tumbling off the furniture. “How do we find her if she was taken by a bunch of bikers?”

“To find them, we become them,” Freddy answered.

A voice came from the hallway. Freddy never heard the footsteps behind him. “Great. When do we start?”

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