Monday, October 2, 2023

Tuesday Tales - Icy


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week we are with the Gods of DC and the word prompt is "icy".

She gave into temptation and pressed her mouth against his. With everything that had happened with Artemis, he had been anxious and distracted. His affection had been non-existent. Deirdre understood. She only had a brother for a short while but if anything ever happened to Freddy, she would burn the world to the ground then collapse in the ashes. 

Feeling him melt into their kiss for one brief moment made her heart skip a beat. 

As they parted, Apollo grinned at her. “We better get out there before Khalil comes looking. You know how jealous he gets if he thinks we’re canoodling without him.”

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Canoodling? Is that what we do?”

“Right now, yeah. The other stuff is more fun with him involved. Let’s go.”

He took her hand and led her out into the club. She laced her fingers between him to draw him closer. At this moment, she would take anything he would give her. She missed him.

The rest of their makeshift gang surrounded the bar. A few were nursing an icy beer as they chatted with each other. Others were admiring their new wardrobe. It was a definite change from the chitons and robes they used to wear on Olympus. As far as Deirdre was concerned, they looked far better in leather than linen. 

She let go of Apollo then cleared her throat. “Listen up,” she greeted. “There’s a lot to cover in a short amount of time.


  1. Love the word canoodling. Haven't heard that in ages. Great scene.

  2. Canoodling is one of my favorite words. LOL! And yes, Leather is much sexier than linen! I totally agree. LOL

  3. Amazing post! And yep, canoodle is a top word in this house as well.

  4. How delightful of you to allow us to see her strolling around with Apollo and canoodling. Love it!

  5. Great scene, Tricia. I love how you worked the word prompt in. Perfect!
