Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Quick


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “quick”. We are back with my new story. I’m still not sure where it is going.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

*note*: Dana is now Elise. I didn’t want anyone getting confused.

The two librarians were able to sneak a quick lunch between the three shows scheduled that day. Dani’s feet hurt and her muscles ached in exhaustion. She always daydreamed that being a librarian meant that she would be the ultimate caretaker of thousands of stories and factual information that would shape history for thousands of years. She wanted more than anything to help others find their next great novel, one that could inspire them to compose their own book. 

Never once did she think the job would include being a babysitter or preschool teacher. Yet, here she was. 

“It’s not always like this.” Elsie’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Jack usually comes once a month with this menagerie. On average, we can fill about half of the auditorium. This is one of the best attended days I’ve seen in a long time. Schools like to bring their classes so they can learn about animals. It’s great for us, because children will typically bring their parents back to get a library card and check out a few books.”

“What’s the big draw today?” The sound from Dani sound more like a moan than words.

“Daisy is here.”

“And who is Daisy?”

“Jack’s eight legged friend.”

The realization of what Elsie said sent shivers down Dani’s spine. She clipped her lid back on her container then slipped it into her lunch bag. 

As the last busload scurried from the building, Dani looked up at the clock. In one more minute, her first day at the library would be over. She should find Elsie and find out how to check out so she could go home and put up her feet. Instead, she hurried back to the shelves. It felt like instinct. She just had to know.

Just like that morning, Ezra was curled up on the floor in the same spot where she left him before they were overrun with kids and animals. He had the same book in his hands except there were more pages finished at the beginning than the end.. She never noticed if he got up for lunch or to use the restroom. 

She sighed as she watched him. He never noticed her. Maybe if he came back during her next shift, she would take him to lunch. Whether it was the goodness in her heart or the fact he was kind of cute, she didn’t want to see him go hungry.

“Dani, where are you? I need to get going and I have to show you how to clock out.”

Dani huffed once more as she stared at Ezra, then rushed off to find Elise and the time clock.


  1. There is definitely a mystery around this Ezra. Looking forward to learning what it is. Eight-legged friend? No thanks. Great scene.

  2. Libraries tend to be busier and noisier than a newbie expects! I'll pass on Daisy lol.

  3. hmmmm. Curiouser and curiouser. AND 8 legged friends are great-- just keep them off me! LOL

  4. This plot is starting to thicken. Fun to read.
    Thanks for the explanation on the name change!

  5. I agree. The plot is taking shape. And I love Ezra. A different kind of hero for sure! Great story developing here.
