Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “sharp”. We are back with Dani in my new Sci-Fi story.
Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!
Bobo hopped onto the floor, his balloon shapes jiggling as he did so. A second hardly passed before the cat-like alien appeared. He searched the room uncertainly as he bowed his head against the ceiling.
“Is there a problem?” Dani questioned. She fought back the sharp tone in her voice. In her defense, it had been a crazy, long day.
“I..” Bobo snapped his lips shut into a thin line. The gaze from his gold and green feline eyes darted around the move. With soft, deliberate steps, he shuffled around the table to the sofa. He rustled his robes like a mother hen ruffling her feathers as she settled on her nest full of chicks. Finally, he sat down on a cushion, the heap of books between them.
“Better?” Dani asked.
“Quite.” Bobo reached for the book by his hip and picked it up. Setting it back down on the tabletop, he used the tip of a claw to pry it open. Dani watched over his shoulder as he flipped through the pages. There were images of gold riches and elaborate crypts on each page. He was nearly halfway through the tome when he stopped. A photo of a stone wall full of etchings appeared.
“What do you see?” Dani leached over the tiny mountain of pages to stare at it with him.
He raised a hand to stroke a tuff of neatly trimmed hair that grew there. “Curious. The words scripted into the stone at the bottom of these pictographs tell of a grand place that held many stories. It has long since passed on.”
Dani scowled, puzzled. “A library? A bookstore? Now I get why Ezra keeps checking out books on Egyptian archeology. But why is Grarkiel interested in books? His host surrounds himself with books everyday.”
“According to this, it seems this place of mystery holds more than just volumes of words. It holds the keys to the Vigvuth’s existence.”
“That sounds a bit dramatic.”
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