Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “massive”. We are back with Dani in my new Sci-Fi story.
Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!
Bobbling the massive stack of books on the bus was a challenge. Dani would have brought her backpack with her that morning if she thought she was taking them home.
Then again, her morning was filled with all sorts of distractions such as a hangover and an alien living in her head. She could probably allow herself some grace.
Elise tried her best to stuff them in one of the handy plastic book bags the library offered to their patrons to take home their borrowed treasures. However, they were typically meant for the visitors who checked out items from the children’s section or only were interested in a paperback novel or two. They weren’t hauling a dozen large photo books and history tomes. The sacks split before Dani took a dozen steps from the desk, spilling the pages onto the tile floor.
It didn’t help that Bobo bounced around her skull like a squirrel on crack. They would both be glad when he could be free of her head. Whatever he saw in that picture of the hieroglyphics hyped him up. Whether it was excitement or anxiety she couldn’t tell. She just wished he would stop. The latest dose of ibuprofen was wearing off.
She murmured a thank you to the nice graying gentleman with a cane who held the bus door open until she could step out. She took a second to balance the pile again the best she could before she scuttled up the stairs to her apartment. It took another feat of grace to unlock the door once she arrived. With a sigh of relief, she opened her arms over the couch and let them gently topple onto the soft cushions.
There was a pressure in her head, much like the one she felt before she left for work that morning. A moment later, a balloon figure shaped like a human toddled across her coffee table. There was clicking like a chipmunk. A voice echoed in Dani’s head. “By stars, how am I to open these?”
“Hold on a sec.” Dani hurried to the windows. She stretched to her tiptoes to reach the fragment of a string tied to the blind. After a few failed attempts, she yanked it closed. She did the same thing with the second window. Flipping on the light, she turned towards Bobo. “You can change form now.”
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