Monday, February 24, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Perfect


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “perfect”. We are back with Dani and Bobo in my new Sci-Fi story. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Dani disrobed and stepped under the hot stream of water. Grabbing the shampoo then the soap, she scrubbed herself and dried off in record time. Typically, she would spend a minimum of ten minutes on her hair until it was perfect to her. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. There was no way she would be able to get this curly mess under control in time to leave. Hopefully she wouldn’t scare any of the library guests away.

The library. Last night Grarkiel tore it apart. There were cameras mounted in every corridor that captured every little movement. An alien living within her friend nearly murdered a man within those walls. Would she even have a job when she got there? Or would there be scientists in hazmat suits waiting for her when she arrived like in the movies? 

Her skin prickled in fear at the thought. There was only one way to find out. It was time to face the music and go to work. There was no point to get a tardy on her employment record when she was hauled away to Area 51. Or worse, the looney bin.

She tugged each garment on as fast as she could then raced to the front door. Snatching up her backpack, she reached for the doorknob. 

“Wait, don’t go,” Bobo protested.

Dani turned back for a moment. “I have to go. I’m late.”

“But…” She could have sworn that the cat alien was pouting at her. 

“But what?” Dani nearly growled. It took every ounce of patience to humor him. 

“Let me go with you.”

“I think people would notice the living balloon figure with me.”

“I would hide inside your head like I did before.”

“I don’t think my migraine would like that.”


“Why don’t you just stay here? You can relax, enjoy the sun. I’m sure there is something in the refrigerator you can eat.”

“But what if Grarkiel finds me here?”

Dani twisted the knob and opened the door with a huff. “I doubt he knows you are here.”

“His host brought you here last night.”

Monday, February 17, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Slow


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “slow”. We are back with my new Sci-Fi story. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

“This is the reason why I appeared like I did before to you. I thought it would be less scary. Besides, it makes it more difficult for the Grarkiel to find me.”

“You are hardly terrifying when you look like this.”

His frown curved into a small smile. “Thank you. I certainly do not look like a cat. I have no clue what that human thought she was seeing.”

“Hold that thought for a sec.” Dani slapped the couch cushions frantically. She hoped desperately that her phone was lost in the furniture and not at the restaurant. She sighed in relief as her fingers wrapped around the slender piece of hard plastic and rubber. As she looked at the display, her heart slammed in her chest. 

The gigantic numbers glaring at her from in front of a picture of her favorite anime cat told her she was about to be late to work. She glanced around her minute living space. While the knick knacks and doodads she brought with her made her space feel homey in her standards, she was lacking some vital things. At the top of the list was a clock. Her cell phone was her only source of time.

Granted, with the hangover she had, she was surprised that she didn’t oversleep. “I have to go.”

“But the thought I was supposed to hold?” Bobo objected. 

Dani sprang from the couch to race to her room. She stopped for a moment. The residual alcohol and her pounding migraine left her swaying instead of hurrying. She rubbed her forehead as she took slow, steady steps down the hallway. 

She rummaged through her dresser for a clean change of clothes. She was going to have to take the fastest shower of her life to catch the bus and speed was not in her wheelhouse this morning. She turned her attention back to the living room. “Your species is far more intelligent than humans, right? Use our internet to look up a Sphynx cat.”

Dani stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. She stared at the knob for a long, hard moment before locking it. Bobo seemed completely harmless. That didn’t mean she wanted him in the bathroom with her to ask more questions. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Child


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “child”. We are back with Dani and Bobo in my new Sci-Fi story. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

“Explain this to me. Why do I hear you over there chattering away like an angry chipmunk who has lost its nuts. But in my head, I comprehend you perfectly, Bob…Bob…”


“Boboneth. Is it alright if I call you Bobo? Boboneth is a lot to remember, especially when my head is pounding like this.”

“Of course. Bobo will be fine.”

“Why can I hear you in my mind?”

“I am able to translate my words then send them telepathically to your mind. It’s one of the many skills I possess.”

“What are others?”

“I can change my shape.”

“This isn’t how you normally look?”


Boboneth hopped off the coffee table to the floor, out of sight of Dani’s gaze. There were flickers of bright light. A moment later, a tall, slender being grew from where he had been. It had almost metallic, emerald green leathery skin. It had the face like one of the hairless cats Dani’s least favorite aunt called her children. At the tip of what should have been a cat's ear was something akin to a ram’s horn. It was dressed in a deep purple robe trimmed in gold and heart shaped, iridescent stones. It had to dip its head and shoulders to avoid colliding with Dani’s ceiling. 

Boboneth turned to her and grinned a feline smile. “This is my normal appearance.”

Dani’s eyes widened. “Wow. I didn’t expect that. Do you change into this often?”

Boboneth gave her a pout. “The only time before this was the last opportunity I tried to escape. An elderly lady saw me like this. She hit me with her shoe and shouted ‘bad kitty’ at me.”

Dani bit back a laugh. The image in her head of Bobo being shooed away with a shoe was hilarious. However, the mournful look in his big, yellow eyes said he didn’t feel the same way. “I’m sorry that happened to you. That woman was just awful.”

Monday, February 3, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Child


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “child”. We are back with Dani and Bobo in my new Sci-Fi story. 

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Dani scowled at it then turned towards her end table. A glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen waited for her. She spun back to the little child-like creature. She cringed. That was a bad idea. 

“What are you? Who are you?” she pried as she pressed her fingers to her temple. 

“My name is Boboneth and I am from the planet of Inqet.”

“Wait. Were you the thing I felt in my head?”

“Yes. I apologize for that. I found the first moment I could escape and took it.”

“It’s alright.” She rubbed the flesh beneath her fingertips hoping it would help get rid of the pain just a tiny bit. It did not. “What were you escaping from?”


“You’re going to have to give me more than that.”

“Grarkiel is a general for the Vigvuth. They kidnapped me from my home light years ago. I have been attempting to get out ever since.”

“Grarkiel? Is that the smoke thing that was coming out of Ezra?”

“One in the same.”

“You were inside him, and he was inside Ezra.”


“It sounds like the nesting dolls from hell.”

“I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“Nevermind.” Dani pushed herself up until she was sitting upright. Reaching for the bottle of pills, she popped the top off and shook a couple free. Once she swallowed them with a healthy gulp of water, she cleared her throat and continued.  “Why is Grarkiel here?”

“There are more Vigvuth here than Grarkiel. I can guess that, just like him, they feed on innovent humans. But past that, I do not know his plans on this planet.”

“You were inside him. You never heard his thoughts or what he said to others?”

“I had no access to his thoughts. I am unable to interpret his dialect. I am versed only in the ancient Vigvuthian writings and speech.”

“But you understand me.”

“English is a far simpler language. It is much easier to decipher.”

“Should I be offended?”
