Sunday, January 26, 2025

Tuesday Tales - Silly


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “silly”. We are back with my new Sci-Fi story. 

In this excerpt, I'm introducing a new character, Boboneth - or Bobo for short. The photo below gives you an idea of what he looks like but in a humanoid form. (Please disregard the Lokis pruning each other in the background.)

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Someone needed to shut off the sun. 

Dani clenched her eyes closed to try to block out the bright light. It didn’t help whatsoever. Her head pounded so hard it felt like it was a drum and someone was performing a drum solo. The pressure she felt the night before was gone. Maybe her migraine released itself and joined her hangover. 

She didn’t remember much of the walk home. Was Ezra still there? Was she actually home? She was dressed and whatever she was lying on felt like her couch.

The margarita didn’t make the horror she witnessed disappear. Ezra said that smoke thing that came from him, that wanted to eat that poor guy, was not from this world. Was he telling her the truth? Aliens weren’t real, were they?

She heard chattering and squealing from the other side of where she believed her coffee table was. Great. She had the headache of a lifetime and there was a squirrel in her living room. 

She froze as a voice filled her mind as she listened to the squawking. “Ezra left a glass of fluid and brown tablets near your head for you.”

Her eyes popped open. The sunshine made her wince. A stab of pain filled her skull. It didn’t stop her from gaping at the creature she found standing on the coffee table.

It was a magenta balloon sculpture of a stick person with a head way too large, including knots at the end of its arms and legs. There were two black dots and a half moon grin embedded in its face. Dani guessed it had to be a foot and a half tall. 

Of course, that was if the silly little thing was real. Her hangover must have made her delusional. 

“You are just a figment of my imagination. Once I get up and take some pain medication and get some water, you’ll disappear.”

The balloon figure stomped an inflated foot and clenched its knots to its hips. “I am not an illusion.” It gestured towards her head. “And what you wish for is right there.”


  1. Love it! A feisty alien who looks like a balloon figure. Can't wait to read more. Great job.

  2. OMG what's going on? This is a cool twist! At least it's smiling, or was until she spouted about it being an illusion. Clever!

  3. Oh this was so much fun to hear him speak and see him stomp his foot. Love the nickname of Bobo!

  4. What an awesome character and description of this balloon head. Love it. Twisted!! :)
