Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Sweat


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “sweat”. We are back with my new story. I’m still not sure where it is going.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

“Did you meet anyone interesting?”

Dani shrugged the sweater off and hung it over the back of her favorite reading chair. Okay, it was the only chair in the living area. The space was cramped and she just worked her first day ever. Her parents had helped with the first month’s rent on the place, however that was all they could afford. Someday she could get more furniture other than this chair and her bed. Today wasn’t that day. “Yes, I met Elise. She is my new co-worker, kind of like my boss. She showed me where everything is and what to do.”

“Anyone else? The Boston Public Library is a big place.”

“There was Jack. He’s a conservationist who brought animals for the kids to see. I also met a patron named Ezra.”

“Ezra, huh?”

“Yes. He came up and introduced himself to me.”

“Is he cute?”

“Mom.” Dani could hear the whine in her voice as she plopped into the so-soft-she-sank-into-it-chair.

“What? It’s just a question.”

“I know what you’re asking.”

“Danielle, I love you. I’m just worried that you’re missing out in life.”

“Because I don’t have a man?”

“Because you don’t have a partner to share your life with. How are you going to experience what the world has to offer?”

Dani let go a disbelieving laugh. “I already have those opportunities on my own. I have companions provided for me and multiple planets to explore. It’s called books, Mom. And now I work somewhere that is filled to the roof with them.”

“I know, sweetheart. It’s just…”

It was best to cut her mom off now before she was on the phone for hours about marriage and babies and why Dani had neither. “How are you and Dad doing? Did he ever figure out the mower?”


  1. Great scene. It's wonderful to find a job you love in a place you love even more.

  2. Love this so far. And all you need is a bed and a chair. Smart shopper!
