Monday, June 10, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Flimsy


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “flimsy”. This is the first excerpt of a story that I have no idea where it’s going. I’m not sure if it will even be a romance per se. Stay tuned!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

Dani’s eyes widened at the greeting. He was about her age with long, ebony hair that flowed to his shoulders. One peculiar lock of silver adorned the side of his face. It wasn’t something that came from age. He wore a pair of tattered blue jeans and a faded retro band T-shirt. He was fit and muscular. She didn’t know if he spent time in the gym or if it was natural. However, she didn’t know many meatheads who would step foot in a library. 

She gave him a flimsy smile. It seemed that her nerves had taken possession of her cheek muscles. “Hi. I am. My name is Danielle. Everyone calls me Dani.”

He held out his hand over the desk towards her. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Ezra.”

She stood on shaky legs and shook the hand Ezra offered. “It’s nice to meet you, Ezra.”

“Ezra, are you harassing our new girl?” Dana teased as she appeared back on the scene. She slipped behind the information counter, stopping next to where Dani stood. 

“Thought I would do the gentlemanly thing and introduce myself, that’s all,” he replied. “Did you get that new book on Egyptian mythology I told you about?”

“I already cataloged it and it’s shelved in your cubby space.”

Ezra winked at Dana. “I can always count on you. Until later, ladies.”

Dani watched Ezra walk away toward a row of shelves near the back of the building before she said a word. “He seems like a friendly guy.”

Dana let go a little laugh. “He’s actually very shy and quiet. He keeps to himself most of the time. That is honestly the first time I’ve ever witnessed him approach a stranger. Most librarians have to be here six months minimum before he will utter a peep at them.” She motioned for Dami to follow her. “Come on. I’ll give you the grand tour.”


  1. Egyptian mythology. Sounds promising. Great scene,

  2. This is a stellar beginning. I love Egyptian mythology! Ezra sounds and looks intriguing.

  3. Great meet/cute!! I love that he's an unlikely scholar -- a guy who's brainy and fit as well. Damn!! That's hot stuff!! And shy, to boot. The perfect hero. I'm loving where this story is going. Great job!

  4. Oooo Egyptian mythology. I'm in!

  5. Oh MAN! I want to meet an Ezra!
    Loved this snippet!
