Monday, May 27, 2024

Tuesday Tales - Stir


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This week's word prompt is “stir”. This is the first excerpt of a story that I have no idea where it’s going. Stay tuned!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesday Tales by clicking here!

It was seriously the most magnificent thing she had ever seen.

Dani clenched her beat up teal canvas backpack to her chest in a bear hug. The rows of reading tables, the colored glass, books upon books upon books - she had only seen things like these in her dreams. 

When she received her library science degree in May, she applied to every library in the United States that was looking for a librarian. She expected her home town to hire her.

Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to get a job with the Boston Public Library system. She was blown away when she was assigned a position in the Central Library. 

And now, here she was, staring at it all. 

“Can I help you?” a voice questioned, 

Dani spun around to find a woman about her age addressing her Her smile was warm and welcoming. It made Dani feel a little less scared out of her skin. 

Dani could barely hear her own voice. “I’m Dani Scherr. I’m supposed to start here today.”

“Oh, hi. We’re so excited that you’re here. I’m Dana. Let me show you where you can put your bag and we’ll get started.”

She followed Dana past the rows of reading tables and shelves of books until they reached an information desk. Dana motioned her inside them pointed to an empty cubbie hole. “That’s a good place for your stuff. Now, wait here. I’m going to get your name tag and some other paperwork you need to sign.”

Dani watched as Dana hurried away. Her anxiety set in again, stirring up another bunch of butterflies in her belly. She slumped into a chair while people passed by. Most ignored her. Some smiled at her or waved. 

A man stopped and grinned at her. “Hello, you must be new.”


  1. I'm old enough to remember the anxiety of starting work in a new place where I knew no one. You described it, and the library very well.

  2. I remember my first day of work in a public library. You captured it! The scene also reminds me of the awe I felt as a student and seeing the literature section in my university library. I wanted to move into the Keats aisle.

  3. I always love new stories starting - the freshness and the wondering of where the story is really going to go. I'm looking forward to reading more of you new story!

  4. What a great beginning! Yes, I remember the anxiety of starting a new job. You've already hooked me. Looking forward to reading more about her adventures and the man who knew she was new. Hmmm. Great start!
